Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hujan, Kopi dan Nyeri

Malam teriris mata pisu hujan,
Dingin luka...sepi yang bertarung dalam relung-relung:
                    hati kosong, imaji liar dan pekat kopi tanpa gula

Ah.... ingin pejam tapi rejam nyeri yang kucumbu sendiri
Memeta jarak aku tergugu dalam kelu :
                     terlalu jauh !

Hujan masih mengiris
Kopiku nyaris habis ...rinduku makin tipis tapi tetap saja,
Luka itu nyata

( Raksaka, 19 - 20 Mei 2010, sebelum tidur)


  1. @endik Koeswoyo: Id bro di klik koq ga bisa ya....? mohon komfirm ulang URL nya, coz lupa alamat web punya bro, pengin tukar link nih :)

  2. love to drink that coffee and feel the rain with you :)

  3. @julie: thanks.... kalau suka kopi pahit,silahkan bergabung :)
    oya, udah aku pasang link kamu lho...


By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.
-- confucius --

Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness; Bad days give you experiences. Both are essential to life (N.N)